Why I'm Way Smarter Than You

"Those who know and know they know are wise, listen to them. Those who do not know and know that they do not know are intelligent, teach them. Those who do not know and do not know that they do not know are dangerous, smite them." -- unknown, paraphrased

I've haven't given up on the last group. This blog is dedicated to them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Republican Voters Duped Again

Republican voters vote for the Republican Party because the Republican Party supposedly stands for "something." Although I have yet to see in their legislation match what they purportedly stand for, we got a taste of what the party really stand for in yesterday's legislation. One billion taxpayer dollars for hospital care of illegal immigrants. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic that illegal immigrants will be able to get some kind of health care while they attempt to make a buck here in the States. I've always been a kind of Robin Hood lover and it's nice to see that the states which are dealing with the most illegal immigrants will get some dough from the federal government to cover the federal government's unwillingness to protect our borders and streamline the immigration process.

The question is, "why is the federal government giving away this money for illegal immigrants?" Are they bleeding hearts who only want what's best for sick little José? Do they give a damn about Hao and his broken arm? If Bính has a cough, does the Republican Party want to make her feel better?

The Republican Party has continually failed to strengthen the border and relax the legal immigration process even though they wield more power in Washington than they have in decades. Even the Bush-friendly Minuteman Project knows that. (While I disagree with the Minuteman Project, I still believe the founders acted as excellent citizens and brought this subject to a greater light.) So, what's it all boil down to?

Cheap labor.

As usual.

Illegal immigrants keep the most menial jobs at a low pay scale. You hear talk of jobs "no American will take." That is a lie. Those jobs would be snapped up in a minute for the right pay. And, there's nothing a Republican Party member hates than to see wage increases. Wage increases mean decreased profits and decreased profits means lower stock earnings. This is the same reason the Republican Party has worked so hard to force Americans into stock-based retirement options. If retirement depends on stocks, then citizens are more wishy-washy on companies who screw their workers. But, I digress.

The Republican Party has the power right now to protect the borders, crack down on the employers of illegal immigrants (dry up the demand for illegal immigrant labor and the supply will adjust accordingly) and ease immigration laws to the point where being an illegal immigrant would make no sense. But, instead, they are giving $1 billion in health care to cover their stay.

If you haven't asked yourself why the Republican Party is doing this then that is why I'm way smarter than you.


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